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Displaying episodes 1 - 15 of 15 in total

How to create a privacy culture through governance

At TDC NET they have a strong privacy and security culture. No system or vendor enters the network without being thoroughly vetted by both data protection and informat...

Securing buy-in: A 7-step cheat sheet...

In this podcast you get a 7-step cheat sheet to securing buy-in for your data protection programme.Get the presentation here: https://3963040.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na...

How to master the DPIA process - the organisational perspective

The DPIA process is important. In this podcast we look at it from the organisational perspective. How do you make it work - not legally or technically - but organisati...

You want to lower the burden of compliance AND build trust? Shifting Privacy Left is the answer. Interview with Debra Farber.

Shifting Privacy Left is a conscious effort to embed privacy practices earlier in the development life cycle to prevent privacy harms and data breaches from forming, P...

How to collaborate on a DPIA - learnings from Norway

Making a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) on Google Workspace for schools is a huge undertaking. In Norway they've decided to collaborate on it. Today, Jacob H...

Live: From tick-the-box compliance to balanced decision-making

From tick-the-box compliance to balanced decision-makingIn this episode we'll go deeper into the second trend of Sustainable Compliance and look at why things are chan...

Compliance has a collaboration problem. Here’s how to fix it.

Lack of collaboration with your organisation is detrimental to your privacy and infosec programme.If you’re unable to create a climate of collaboration within your org...

Live: The five trends of Sustainable Compliance

In this live episode of Sustainable Compliance we take a look back on how the compliance landscape has changed over the years and gather the trends that we see in this...

DPIA spells collaboration

DPIA spells collaborationIn this episode, they dive into the topic of Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and the importance of collaboration in ensuring privac...

How to work with marketing people for privacy pros

Privacy and marketing are like oil and water. But, it doesn't have to be that way.In this talk with founder of Raze, Siobhan Solberg, we dive into, how we improve this...

The secret to my succes - from the Privacy Pros podcast

Jacob has been interviewed by Jamal Ahmed for his podcast: Privacy Pros podcast. We're reposting it here, and you should follow the podcast feed from Jamal as well htt...

7 pieces of advice on how to become a strategic partner, not a necessary evil ... with Tim Clements

"If you just have that legal focus, you may be perceived as the necessary evil, rather than being a partner," says Tim Clements in this podcast.Tim and Jacob talks abo...

The #1 skill job seeking privacy pros should learn — career advice from top recruiter

Are you looking to break in to privacy?Or take your privacy career to the next level?Don't miss this privacy career advice from Michael Jared Coseglia of TRU Staffing ...

Struggling to stay up-to-date on privacy? You need this system.

Most compliance professionals feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of information about their area. New legal developments, new technical stuff to look into and on ...

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Sustainable Compliance will bring you interviews, tools of the trade and Live debates on rethinking data compliance.

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