How to create a privacy culture through governance

At TDC NET they have a strong privacy and security culture. No system or vendor enters the network without being thoroughly vetted by both data protection and information security. This happens due to a governance model that is anchored in the organisation and has buy-in at top management.

TDC NET provides a great part of the digital infrastructure in Denmark, through fixed-line and mobile networks.

In this podcast, Jacob Høedt Larsen, talks to Head of Privacy Compliance, Mona Persson about how they make it work.

They discuss:

1. How the governance model is set-up
2. How a new system or a new vendor goes through the governance process
3. What it takes to make it all work

You'll gain practical insights into how to set-up your own process.

Your host: Jacob Høedt Larsen, follow me on Linkedin for more news and views on compliance and privacy:

Sustainable Compliance is brought to you by Wired Relations - read more about it here:

Wired Relations is a GRC solution - tailored for privacy and information security.

We help organisations turn fragile privacy and information security into sustainable GRC programmes.

We focus on four things:
  • Ease-of-use: You don’t need consultants to implement Wired Relations and you don’t need training to use it.
  • Collaboration: Privacy and infosec is a team sport. We make it easy to collaborate.
  • Overview: Privacy and infosec is complicated enough as it is. Wired Relations makes it easier to get an overview - not harder.
  • Organising for GRC: The trick is to organise your processes and workflows so that you can sustain your programme.
The Powerpoint-presentation:

Follow Mona Persson on Linkedin:
How to create a privacy culture through governance
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